BCBST WellTuned, Christina Robinson, August 13, 2020 Before COVID-19, I was training for a half and full marathon. I strength trained five times a week, ran 10-plus miles every weekend, meal prepped, and fell asleep by 11 p.m. Training became …
How our foundation is helping Chattanooga students stay connected
BCBST News Center, Amanda Haskew, July 29, 2020 In Hamilton County, approximately 28,500 students qualify for free and reduced lunch assistance, a measure the school system uses to determine financial need. Many of these students also don’t have internet access …
How Clinica Medicos is helping vulnerable Chattanoogans fight COVID-19
BCBST News Center, Amanda Haskew, July 24, 2020 In recent weeks, COVID-19 cases have been rising in Chattanooga. The Hamilton County Health Department reports that nearly half of patients diagnosed with COVID-19 in the area are Hispanic, even though they make …
Why COVID-19 pandemic has given rise to domestic violence | Opinion
Tennessean, Dr. Jeanne James, July 23, 2020 The significant changes to our routines as we follow social distancing guidelines and safety protocols have led to isolation for many Tennesseans. As a pediatrician, I chose this profession to help children grow …
Why we must recognize racism as a public health threat | Opinion
Tennessean, Dr. Andrea Willis, June 25, 2020 Racism is more than our society’s greatest injustice. The stress for the Black population around circumstances such as George Floyd’s death negatively impact health. During my pediatric training, I sometimes witnessed children dying …